Make sure you know with which airline you are travelling.
SABENA = Sauf Accident, Bien Entendu, Nous Arrivons
SABENA = Such A Bloody Experience, Never Again !
ALITALIA = Always Late In Takeoff, Always Late In Arrival
ALITALIA = Airplane Lands In Tokio And Luggage In Australia
ALITALIA = A little Italian tradition and lotsa Italian attitude
BOEING = Broken Off Engines In Numerous Gardens
BWIA = But Will It Arrive?
EL AL = Every landing a lottery
TWA = Try Walking Across
TWA = Travel Without Arriving
TWA = Trans Wreck Airlines
TWA = Thump Whack Adieu
TWA = Time Waste Airlines
TWA = Trembling Wings Airlines.
LUFTHANSA = Let US *ck The Hostess As No Steward Available
KLM = Koop Lockheed Majesteit (Buy Lockheed, Your majesty, after the
Lockheed bribe scandal which involved HRH Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands )
LOT = Lot's Of Troubles
BOAC = Better On A Cammel
SAS = Sex And Service
TAP = Take Another Plane
JAT = Joke About Time
MSA = May Still Arrive
CAAC = China Airlines Always Crash
OLYMPIC = Onassis Likes Your Money Paid In Cash
QANTAS = Quite A Nice Trip, Any Survivors ?
QANTAS = Queers And Nymphos Trained As Staff
SWISSAIR = Sex with innocent stewardess shows AIDS in result
PIA = Please Inform Allah
PIA = Pray I'll Arrive
DELTA = Don't Even Leave The Airport
DAN AIR = Dangerous And Nearly Always Incredibly Rough